
Jupiter Par Chalte Hain

Fuck Expectations

The Style by Charles Bukowski

A poem is a city- Charles Bukowski

The Rants of Hunger

Bukowski’s Letter of Gratitude to the Man Who Helped Him Quit His Soul-Sucking Job and Become a Full-Time Writer!

Why should or shouldn't I leave India and settle abroad? A conversation!

Google Hangout with Mr. Arvind Kejriwal !

Kitabein Jhankti Hain

The Wrong Heaven- A short story by Rabindranath Tagore

Did Creed (Rock Band) Predicted Elections 2014 in India ?

Introspection is Overrated!

If Re-Evolution Happens!

Nostalgia of Delhi

I gotta go see about a girl?- Good Will Hunting

The Rationale choice of Sex and Love !